

ADIPS 2024 Consensus Recommendations for Improving Contraception and Pre-pregnancy Care for Women with Diabetes in Australia

The Australasian Diabetes in Pregnancy Society Limited (ADIPS) Board established a multidisciplinary expert advisory group in 2024 focused on Diabetes Contraception and Pre-pregnancy Management. The group was tasked with:

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ADIPS Report on 2024 Gestational Diabetes Screening and Diagnosis Conference

The 2024 ADIPS Gestational Diabetes Screening and Diagnosis Conference brought together key stakeholders from across Australia and New Zealand to reflect on how best to translate contemporary evidence on the screening and diagnosis of GDM into practice. Findings from the conference will support drafting of updated ADIPS consensus recommendations.  The conference was held on Friday 10 May 2024 in Sydney.

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TOBOGM Workshop 2023:  Options for Diagnostic Approaches for Early Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

The TOBOGM Workshop was held at the ADIPS Annual Scientific Meeting on 27th August 2023 to review the results of the TOBOGM RCT and to discuss the options for testing for and treatment of early GDM. Implications and options for 24-28 week testing if early testing and treatment are implemented were also discussed. The Workshop comprised presentations from TOBOGM investigators, panel
discussion with multidisciplinary healthcare and consumer representation and Workshop attendee input.

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The First International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG) Summit on the Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes in Early Pregnancy:  TOBOGM Summit Report

The purpose of The First IADPSG Summit on the Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes in Early Pregnancy (the TOBOGM Summit) was to use the TOBOGM trial findings to scope the issues involved with early screening, to inform future discussions over possible approaches and criteria for diagnosing GDM in early pregnancy.

The TOBOGM Summit (Summit) was hosted by the IADPSG on 17th November 2022, in Sydney, Australia. Over 170 delegates from 21 countries attended, representing a range of health professionals/clinicians, academics, policy makers and consumers with lived experience.  The report from this summit is available here for interested readers.

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Antenatal models of care for women with gestational diabetes mellitus: Vignettes from an international meeting

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is one of the most common complications in pregnancy and is placing and increasing burden on diabetes and obstetric resources.  This original article published in ANZJOG aims to describe different antenatal models of care that have developed to address the increasing number of pregnancies complicated by GDM. 

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Gestational Diabetes Book Publication

Open Access publication by InTech publishing. "Gestational Diabetes" Edited by Miroslav Radenkovic, Nov 2011. ISBN 978-953-307-581-5, Hard cover, 382 pages. The book consists of 21 chapters with articles relevant to both clinicians and researchers. The book is open access and can be freely downloaded.